Solutions  |  Patient Cost Responsibility

Give patients transparent insights into their care with patient cost estimation software

Avoid surprise medical bills and keep patients happy with their quality of care by providing insight into their treatment cost responsibility. seeQer patient payment estimator software compares test, medication, and procedure requirements against multiple databases to determine patient cost responsibility in real time.


Help patients understand how much they’re paying for treatment

Patient payment estimator software like seeQer tells you how much treatment will cost, what treatment is covered by insurance, and what the patient’s deductible, copay, and out-of-pocket responsibility will be—all before they receive care. With seeQer’s patient cost estimator tool, patients can understand the cost of health treatments and make informed, empowered decisions.

Client Issues
Careviso solutions

Surprise Bills

Under the No Surprises Act, patients no longer should receive medical bills without knowing what the amount will be.

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Clear Out-of-Pocket Responsibility

Verify the patient’s deductible, co-pay, and out-of-pocket expenses in seeQer so they know in advance what they’ll be paying for.

Insufficient Coverage

Patients need to know whether their insurance or benefits will cover treatment before it begins.

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Coverage Confirmation

Send cases to careviso through seeQer patient estimation software to confirm the patient has the necessary insurance and benefits to receive treatment.


Explore other seeQer services

That’s not all seeQer can do for you and your patients. Find out how additional features can provide more transparency, empower patients, and transform healthcare.

A man and woman looking at a computer screen sending data to careviso to verify patient health insurance information and benefits.

Eligibility & Discovery

Confirm patient coverage faster with medical insurance verification software (eMed BV)

A physician discusses details of sending prior authorization with a father and son in a waiting room.

Prior Authorization Eligibility

Automatically send your prior authorization to the operations team for processing when it’s required.

A careviso team member works efficiently on the prior authorization processing.

Prior Authorization Processing

Eliminate manual effort and cut down on admin time when your prior authorization is processed in real time.

Book your software demo

Discover how seeQer informs patients and transforms practice.

Schedule a seeQer demonstration of benefits verifications, cost assessments, and other essential tasks in the platform. Learn how seeQer can help your organization reduce administrative burden, transform cumbersome processes, and provide transparency that empowers patients in a complex and ever-changing industry.